This project was completed for the GLA and TfL, working in partnership with Lambeth Council’s Town Centre and Transport teams. The aim of the project was to re-position this declining town centre as the focus for local community activity and to turn West Norwood from a place you pass through, to a place you go to.

Leading a team which included with a range of designers dealing with street lighting, urban graphics, meanwhile / market providers and business support specialists, Landolt + Brown’s approach provided points of focus around the neoclassical St Luke’s Church and West Norwood’s remarkable cemetery. The project involved extensive carriageway realignment to allow for pavement widening, off street parking, de-cluttering, the provision of new road crossings and the installation of high quality York stone paving and bespoke granite kerbs and edge details, along with re-siting of ‘lost’ historic street furniture. An extensive architectural lighting project developed in collaboration with lighting designers Dekka Studio, has also transformed the area at night.

The project has been largely responsible for the regeneration of the town centre which is now home to a thriving vintage market, monthly food festivals and a range of high-quality, local retail and food businesses, as well as improving sales for longer-established businesses on the High Street.

West Norwood Public Realm


West Hampstead Thameslink


Fairfax House